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A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Pitlik (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2019. február 11., 13:03-kor történt szerkesztése után volt. (Staff)


QuILT-sitemap: https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php/QuILT-content

General information

This information unit can be seen by each affected person (like Student, teacher, actor, actress, partner, etc.) having a theater-ticket  before starting the first presentation/performance. Therefore, this information unit is a kind of textual trailer...  
Quilt ticket.png
A ticket (https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php/QuILT-Invitations) will always be sent before classes/meeting/consultations. A ticket has two functions: to invite and to offer preparation workloads.
A preparation workload is first of all: the mini-course (https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php/QuILT-mini-course) about WIKIPEDIA - how to edit, what to make, etc.

Ars virtualica - in medias res

  • The QuILT as a conception should/will become a movement - step by step!
  • QuILT is not a kind of theater pedagogy.
  • The QuILT is going to support processes, where Students and teachers could face with potential and individual ideals concerning teaching & learning.
  • In this process, a teacher is rather/mostly a mentor, conductor, expert by experience:
    • who makes possible to identify a lot of different point of views without any enforced statements, declarations -
    • without the hoped position for itself having the very/final truth,
    • supporting the development of personalities of each affected persons...
  • Teacher can and should be everybody (in relation to each other - c.f. teachers, actors, students, entrepreneurs/institutional partners, etc.).
  • However, individual/customized ideals need a lot of responsibilities both from teachers and Students.
  • To achieve a rational level of interactivity (between Students, teachers and also the both parties) can be seen as a step-wise project:
  • Ideals will be legitimated through log-based big data and artificial intelligence based evaluations: it means, through PLAN-FACT comparisons.
MOTTO (Knuth, 1992, Stanford - URL of the source = ???): "Science is what we understand well enough to explain to a computer. Art is everything else we do." <--potential activity of Student/WIKI-User: to search for appropriate URLs and edit them)


  • The frontal teaching (incl. an e-learning process doing alone) is not interactive enough,
  • but the realization of a real interactivity needs a lot of preparation works.
  • Classic theater performances are capable synchronizing thinking methods:
    • The first performances will be written by teachers and presented by actors, actresses, teachers.
    • In the second phase, story boards/screen plays/scripts will be created by Students, and presented by the teaching staff.
    • In the next phase, the whole performance will be made by a group of Students.
    • Later, the scripts created by a group of Students can be performed by an other group of Students.
  • So, a development of the interactivity can be realized step by step.
  • Performance-catalog: https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php/QuILT-performance-catalog
QuILT tries to entertain all. However, nothing is free of charge. Everybody has to pay. At first: PAY ATTENTION!


  • The offered patterns concerning potential ideal behaviors should be catalyze reaction by Students and also by teachers - as a kind of chained effect...
  • Learning by doing and doing by learning can be merged through the gamification frames.
  • Parallel, real performances (like learning materials) will be worked out through common legitimated games.
  • As practical knowledge may be seen each experiences having direct connections to the real life of Students.
  • Theoretical is a knowledge, if a direct connection to the Student's reality is not given.
  • What is more direct for a Student then a learning process as such.
  • First of all, QuILT will work with phenomena like KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY, where technical (ICT) and human aspect can and should be be merged.
  • QuILT is - therefore - a kind of general course for thinking methodology (or development of personality or support for self-identified learning methodologies).


  • Log-based evaluation of performances can only be made if log-data are given.
  • Just activities can be logged (if EEG-s are still not involved into the monitoring system).
  • Hearing and seeing/watching are less relevant as doing/creating.
  • Activities can be constructive (like extensions, adaptations, substitutions, etc.) and destructive (c.f. exploring critical aspects).
  • A WIKI-frame can deliver log-data about signing in, textual additions/changing, timestamps, users - if needed then with anonymity).
  • Where data are given, there a GDPR-regulation (https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php/QuILT-GDPR) should also be worked out - as soon as possible together and let alone: customized!


  • Interactivity can also be dangerous (it means: less effective or efficient, than declaration-based processes), if nobody is able to canalize efforts.
  • Offered ideals are just potentials.
  • Human intuitions are very important, but not always excellent.
  • There seems to be not a final truth, but a lot of way leading to a higher level of thinking complexity.
Recommended paths for new users: https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php/QuILT-1

References or prehistory of QuILT

Universities (should) have a lot of 'C(i)es' ('*c.es' like competencies, experiences, references, chances, ...) – either formal or informal, but they have them (e.g. through the background layers of their staff). Therefore they are capable merging disciplines (c.f. multi/trans/interdisciplinary). In case of the QuILT-concept, arts, computer sciences, economics, HR-fields, etc. should be mixed in order to support transferring useful knowledge elements.

Previous activities:


Visual motto: https://miau.my-x.hu/15.png (instead of names and CV-s - it is not relevant, who does/says something - relevant is, what people do!)
  • QuILT-director: László Pitlik (KJU - mailto:pitlik@my-x.hu)
  • QuILT-teaching methodology: László Pitlik (jun) - (ELTE-Pedagogy)
  • QuILT-technology: Mátyás Pitlik (ELTE-IT)
  • QuILT-quality-management: Marcell Pitlik (BME-Mechatronics)
  • QuILT-actors/actresses: (later)
  • ...
  • Con-duc-tor(s) / Khon-Duck-Thor(s):
    • Mr. Khon
    • Mr. Duck
    • Mr. Thor
  • Special partners:
    • potential foremen: who does speak Hungarian and/or German too...
    • potential conductors: who has two QuILT-based courses in a parallel way either in form of BSC-->MSC or MSC-->MSC
Everybody may offer new description layers and/or fine tune the above mentioned initial interpretations!