+ Patent based on similarity analyses +

+ IBF (Idea-breeding-farm) +

We are proud of this study! close

+ MY-X DVD +

PhD-title succesfully realized with the support of the My-X team!

KJE-ETDK-1. place (incl. OTDK-access-right) with a study supported by the MY-X team!

BME-ETDK-1. place (incl. OTDK-access-right) with a study supported by the MY-X team!

2 BPROF-Students (1. semester): 1. and 2. places (ETDK) + OTDK-access rights!

QuILT: distance education with avatars in English!

More and more qualitative studies in English from Students of the international courses!

The Liebig-rule is available in the traffic!

Kecskemét-Conference about Innovation: presentation of the 2DM-game!

MMO 2018 conference: the best presentation of the session (award for 2DM) + the best publication of the session (award for Rosling-animations)!

The Journal MIAU has been working for 25+ years as a kind of public service!

Statement for the Reader:
the thoughts presented on the virtual sites of the e-Journal of MIAU
should be interpreted like e.g. Ramanudjan's notices:
the value of the thoughts comes from the inner world of the publication -
the publication channel is not part of the value-building-processes...

Instead of social media: MYX-team-NEWS

(Last modified: 2015.VII.19.14:08 - MIAÚ-RSS)

MIAU No. = 263 *** Év/Year = 2020 *** Hónap/Month = július

Pitlik László
(MY-X team):
Erőből történő megoldási kísérletek megalapozása egy geometriai kihívás kapcsán
(Introduction-experiments of potential solution-alternatives in brute force level for geometrical challenges)
Pitlik László
(MY-X team):
Egy közismert IQ-tesztfeladat erőből történő megoldási kísérleteinek megalapozása
(Introduction-experiments of potential solution-alternatives in brute force level)
Pitlik László, Pitlik László (jun)
(MY-X team):
A kongruenciáról - oktatási szintek szerint
(About the phenomenon of the congruence - in different levels of the education canon)
Pitlik László, Rikk János
(MY-X team):
Tantárgy-fúziós komplex feladat-variánsok – 2020/2021 őszi (1.) félév – BPROF nappali/levelező
(BPROF education strategy and operative parameters with examples)
Pitlik László
(MY-X team):
Universal classification method involving explorative model-bubbles (+)
Pitlik László, Márta Attila
(MY-X team):
Robot-turisztikai-tanácsadó, avagy az emberi preferencia-hiány automatizált kezelése
(Robot expert for touristic planning or how to decide without human preferences)
Barta Gergő, Pitlik László
(My-X team):
Hipotézis-tervezés PhD-disszertációkhoz - Konzisztens gépi tanuló modellezés beltéri felhasználói lokalizáció meghatározásának pontosítására
(Planning of hypotheses for PhD-degrees II.)

MIAU No. = 262 ... (MIAU No. = 263) ... MIAU No. = 264
