Information System of Agricultural Research Institutes

Experimental website

Fact sheet

You can check out in this page all stored data concerning the selected database-record. On the one hand, you can reach the document itself through the link, on the other hand, you can also found those (e.g. thematical) (sub)groups, in which the given record is classified.

Catalogue information:

Title: A Prospect for Blended Learning in Croatian Academic Institutions
Description: ECON (Educational Competence Online Network)
Original URL:Open the document
Backup copy:n/a
Source:Regionet Europe EWIV/EEIG
Date: 2004-09-29
Description2: Educational technology, e-mail and/or mailing lists, web pages, user authentication and student tracking, discussion board or forum, chat room, whiteboard, student and teacher file management, computer aided assessment tools, course management system
Grouping knowledge elements


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