
A Miau Wiki wikiből
Each invitation will be sent per email with person-specific data!
QuILT-sitemap: https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php/QuILT-content

1. performance

Quilt ticket.png


It is a great pleasure for the QuILT-staff to invite you to the 1. performance of the QuILT: https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php?title=QuILT and https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php?title=QuILT-1

Your quasi anonymity will be guaranteed through following username and password:

  • username = ...
  • password = ...

Quasi anonymity means: just the course leader is capable decoding the usernames. But: Other internal and/or external users can guess your identity e.g. through your formulations style, keywords, etc. ...

This invitation makes it possible to become an active (or passive) participant of the first meeting of the course about knowledge economy.

An active participation means: you can edit each QuILT-sites, however these inputs will be for ever visible for the whole Internet.

A passive participation means: you never use your access rights, therefore you will never have a kind of digital finger print in the QuILT-universe.

The objective of the QuILT-system is: to stimulate users to be active and to produce a lot of logs in order to analyse them t together...

Further content units can be read here: https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php/QuILT-content

You can always come and go! There is a prepared chronology and a list of recent activities about the using of the QuILT-labyrinth, but everybody can change the strategy from a planned follower to a free-lancer's challenge.

Have a nice time in the QuILT-system created for you!

Best regards: your QuILT-team

2. performance

Quilt ticket.png


It is always a great pleasure to see log-s describing thinking patterns and/or reaction times of Students. Thank you for your activities. If you have problems with the identification of the goals of this game, then our conductor can support the creating of logs. Quasi negative scenarios has the same relevance like positive cases. The world of logs is a kind of magic. We all lived till now and we all will live in the world of the magic of words. The new (parallel) world is the world of logs (c.f. https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php/Speci%C3%A1lis:Friss_v%C3%A1ltoztat%C3%A1sok, and/or history of each articles, discussion pages). There, you can see not only your own logs but also the logs of the staff.

The comments of the staff should always deliver new contents for each readers. The new contents make possible to discover new point of views and/or interpretation challenges in your texts.

The central question of the 2. performance is: How it is possible to evaluate online activities based on the logs of the QuILT-system?

Following our own principles where it is expected that first of all, each question should be answered by Students and the answers of the Students should also be interpreted by other Students before the conductors try to interpret them. The prioritized position of the Students has just one relevant reason: it is always necessary to observe a kind of initial level. Classic teaching processes have hardly time for observing these levels. In the sport for example, it is trivial to declare in advance, what can I perform and what should I achieve after a given workload and time period?

If the initial level is given then the next question is:

Which (inter)actions lead to the highest impact?

This question is the question of the production functions: it is hardly possible to create such a complex function however it is possible based on a huge amount of observations to derive these functions (always with a limited resolution compared to the complexity of the real world).

During the second performance we together will try to extract and structure data being available for benchmarking, comparing, evaluating persons, groups of persons, processes, etc.

The subjective suggestions having hardly check points and or control mechanisms, optimization potentials will be called as naive solutions. We all have a lot of hermeneutical illusions (incl. optical illusions or apparent temperature/windchill, etc.): the first test concerning the hermeneutical illusions can everybody execute in frame of the Monty Hall problem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem

Before somebody reads the whole article in the WIKIPEDIA, it would be nice, to make a test:

Suppose you are on a game show, and you are given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, e.g. goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what is behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?

The evolution of the human race had no chance to select individuals having hardly problems with illusions. We all have a lot of illusions because our natural intelligence (the human intuition based on cellular processes) are not (yet) sophisticated enough. The human culture (incl. teaching/learning processes) seems to be faster than the evolution. BUT: it needs a lot of energy. (Please, remember to the motto: We try to entertain you, but nothing is free of charge, so everybody should pay - first of all: PAY ATTENTION! :-)

Illusions can be handled in two characteristic ways: through wrapping/swoting facts and or through stimulating our intuition processes based on experiences (quasi without wrapping/swoting).

Let's collect new and newer experiences!

3. performance


4. performance


5. performance


Everybody may offer new description layers and/or fine tune the above mentioned initial interpretations!