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QuILT-sitemap: https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php/QuILT-content

Questions/task based on the animation about knowledge economy

Motto: S(t)imulated learning!

Block I (learning based on media-objects)

Motto: Media/animation-based learning with critical aspects is in?!

Part A (focusing)

Motto: Being capable of seeing the points...
Please, create a QuILT-article with your answers e.g. https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php?title=QuILT-PLA1-Username, where the username should be substituted with your username...
Please, open the following animation about knowledge economy! (Everybody can it make in an individual way, and the watching should not be sequential.) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFQKE5UMbt8 (Duration: ca. 6 minutes – result: watching/hearing) - (the downloaded version can be reached on the common server: https://miau.my-x.hu/miau/quilt/)
Please, search for lacks in the (spoken) argumentation chains of the animation – during the watching!
Please, formulate an SMS (max. 160 characters) about the main message of the animation! (ca. 2 minutes – result: 1 SMS)
Please, choose the best SMS below describing the main message of the animation and derive the necessary argumentation! (ca. 2 minutes - result: an ID from 1 to 12)
Please, make arguments: Why any other SMS is not ideal?! (ca. 5 minutes - results: 11 further argumentation)
  1. The experts (the sources of knowledge) should always be involved into the sharing of benefits realized by investors in the future!
  2. The experts (the sources of knowledge) should be involved as far as possible into the sharing of benefits realized by investors in the future.
  3. Investors should always use each expertise!
  4. Each expertise brings always unexpected benefits.
  5. The benefits of an expertise being just realizable in the future, are always prompt derivable during the advising process.
  6. Knowledge can always be measured exactly, even therefore everybody can pay for it in a rational way.
  7. Knowledge is, what can be measured. <-- The declaration seems to be true, but its origin is not in the animation in a direct way.
  8. Knowledge is, what can be transformed into source codes, each other human activities are artistic performances. <-- The declaration seems to be true, but its origin is not in the animation in a direct way.
  9. Artistic performances are rather services than a kind of knowledge transfer. <-- The declaration seems to be true, but its origin is not in the animation in a direct way.
  10. In case of artistic performances by humans, knowledge will not be transferred. <-- The declaration seems to be true, but its origin is not in the animation in a direct way.
  11. Texts are fuzzy source codes. <-- The declaration seems to be true, but its origin is not in the animation in a direct way.
  12. Materialized structures, and/or constructions from materials are a specific form of source codes. <-- The declaration seems to be true, but its origin is not in the animation in a direct way.
Please, create questions and good and wrong answers with argumentation to check the main massages of the animation! (ca. 5 minutes  - results: questions, options, argumentation)
Please, write a short essay about the potential lacks (declarations and argumentation)! (ca. 5 minutes – result: new text-elements)
Total time for working is 25-30 minutes...

Part B (revision)

Motto: Being able to revise previous opinions?!
Please, write your answers as addition to the above created PLA1-username article!
Please, try to interpret the following fable: https://miau.my-x.hu/mediawiki/index.php/QuILT-fables#The_fable_about_the_goats_and_the_wise_rabbi (from Hungary)! (ca. 1 minute – result: hearing)

Please, select the most relevant sentence according to the animation before! (ca. 1 minute – result: 1 sentence)
Please, make corrections in the first essay, if the fable brought new ideas for you! (ca. 2 minutes – result: new text-elements - see also history-site with correction marks)
Please, search for analogies (analogue fables) in your cultural heritage! (ca. 3 minutes – result: URLs and brief descriptions if the analogy is not appropriate enough)
Please, search for other, but contextual appropriate fables in your cultural heritage! (ca. 3 minutes – result: URLs and brief descriptions)
Total time for working is 10-15 minutes... 

Part C (parallel ways)

If you do not have any ideas, then you can choose an other fable supporting critical ideas concerning the animation before:

Block II (SWOT for visual effects)

Motto: Being able to test/check competencies in the field of visualization...

Part A (Frames)

Please, watch the animation partially again and select frames from the stream being adequate for a classic SWOT about the visualization potential of the animation! (ca. 10 minutes – result: relevant frames – at least 4 pieces – from the stream)
Total time for working: 10 minutes

Part B (Streams)

Note: if frames are not good enough or streams have other interpretation approaches (e.g. streams have just/also relevant visual effects), then the task can be interpreted for streams (too)...

Block III (Antagonisms)

Motto: Increasing complexity can also be funny...

Part A (Court)

In prepraration:

  • https://www.typotex.hu/harmadik_kultura/szalon_003, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_the_Court
  • Prótagorasz és tanítványa
  • „Mesélik, hogy amikor [Prótagorasz] tanítványától, Euatholosztól kérte a fizetséget, az ezt mondta: »Hiszen még nem is nyertem pert!« – Mire Prótagorasz azt felelte: »Hát akkor ha ebben a mostani perlekedésben én győzök, azért kell fizetned, mert győztem; ha meg te győzől, akkor azért, mert pert nyertél.«” Hogyan okoskodott vajon a tanítvány, ha megállapodásuk szerint csak az első megnyert pere után kellett fizetnie?

Part B (Other items)

Alternative sources also in preparation:

Block IV (Non-knowledge)

Motto: Knowledge can only be understood in an exact way, if non-knowledge is also defined.

Part A (Magic of words)

In preparation:

Part B (Moral machine)

In preparation:

Block V (Observations)

Motto: Being observed = be observing?

Part A (Closed questionnaire)

In preparation:

Part B (Your questionnaire)

In preparation:

  • Creating an own questionnaire?
  • ...

Block VI. (Mind maps)

Motto: The magic of words can be substituted through the magic of other symbols...

Part A (Creating the own mind maps)

Please, create a mind map summarizing one or a few message(s) of th QuILT-system! (ca. 15 minutes - result: mind map)

Part B (Risks of mind maps)

Please, criticize the mind maps from other Students! What kind of associations can not be verified based on the mind maps? (ca. 5 minutes - result: textual/visual argumentation)

Block VII. (Language skills)

Motto: To be more exact is never impossible...

Part A (Creating tasks for testing language skills)

Please, create at least one task for testing language skills, where 4 options are given, just 1 option is correct, but the other 3 options have apropos why the error can be seen as logical danger from specific/partial point of views! (ca. 5 minutes - result at least 1 question, 4 answers, 4 interpretations about correctness or dangers)

Part B (Critical aspects)

Please, criticize at least one question of the other Students concerning the reality of the potential dangers! (ca. 5 minutes - result critical interpretations incl. a better solution pro critical units)

Block VIII. (Academic writing skills)

Motto: To be more exact is never impossible...

Part A (Creating a short positive or negative message about the QuILT-system)

Please, create at least one short positive or negative message about the QuILT-system - so exact as it seems to be possible (ca. 5 minutes - result at least 1 message)

Part B (Critical aspects)

Please, criticize at least one message of the other Students concerning the potential of misunderstanding! (ca. 5 minutes - result critical interpretations incl. a better solution pro critical units)

Basic parameters of this task

Aspects and parameters

  • basic characteristics: PLA-task
  • status: chained task
    • linear chained: 0 %
    • complex chained: 100 %
  • impact: open task (with catalytic impacts: e.g exploring alternative solutions, parallel interpretations)
  • complete duration: ca. 80 minutes
    • inputs from teachers: 50%
    • own works of Students: 50%
  • type of the activity: increasing the potential of souverain/critical thinking in case of literature and concerning the offers of the teachers
  • media-elements: mp4, mp3, texts
  • cultural elements:
    • Hungarian effects: fables
    • European elements: ancient proverbs
    • Intercultural effects: similar fables/proverbs from other cultures and/or new fables with appropriate contents (as a kind of task for Students)
  • critical potential:
    • animation/pictures can be evaluated in form of classic and optimized SWOT analyses
    • lacks in logical chains can be derived by Students
    • analogies - it can be searched for by Studentes
  • rights: each element is free for further involving
  • technical frame: MIAU-WIKI (QuILT-WIKI)
  • follow-up-activities: the same process with new terms (like before/after knowledge economy and/or creating better animations, questionnaires, etc.) and/or creating and evaluating PLA-tests by Students + using these tests for evaluating other Students...
  • ...

Knowledge, competence, skill, attitude, etc.

  • Through the test layers, the affected Students should be capable of making steps (c.f. like an autodidact) toward ideals. If not, then this is a critical result needing prompt and long-term reactions by mentors/teachers...
  • Through the rel. wide free space for autonomy, the affected Students should be motivated enough in order to be active. If not, then this is a critical result needing prompt and long-term reactions by mentors/teachers...
  • The comparative and common analyses of results of the PLA-test layers demonstrate the expected levels for each affected layers for the Students...
  • Lexical knowledge can be increased, but this is not a kind of direct goal - on the other hand: this should also be evaluated as positive impact...
  • ...
Everybody may offer new description layers and/or fine tune the above mentioned initial interpretations!